
A collection of proverbs, sayings and quotes about courage.

Lion statue
To have the heart of a lion.

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All our dreams can come true if we have the courage to pursue them.
Walt Disney

All you need is the plan, the road map, and the courage to press on to your destination.
Earl Nightingale

Courage is facing your fears. Stupidity is fearing nothing.
Todd Bellemare

Creating art is painful. It takes time, practice, and the courage to stand alone.
Maria Semple

Creativity takes courage.
Henri Matisse

Dutch courage.
The courage that you get by drinking alcoholic drinks.

Failure is unimportant. It takes courage to make a fool of yourself.
Charlie Chaplin

I can shake off everything as I write; my sorrows disappear, my courage is reborn.
Anne Frank

It is a wise man who knows where courage ends and stupidity begins.
Jerome Cady

It takes a great deal of bravery to stand up to our enemies, but just as much to stand up to our friends.
J.K. Rowling

It takes a lot of courage to show your dreams to someone else.
Erma Bombeck

Keep Calm and Carry On.
(unknown author)

Perhaps if the churches had had the courage to lay their emphasis where Christ laid it, we might not have come to this frame of mind in which it is assumed that the value of all work, and the value of all people, is to be assessed in terms of economics.
Dorothy L. Sayers
Source: Striding Folly

Some have been thought brave because they didn’t have the courage to run away.

The fox will catch you with cunning, and the wolf with courage.

The little ant at its hole is full of courage.

The test of courage comes when we are in the minority. The test of tolerance comes when we are in the majority.
Ralph W. Sockman

There is more in you of good than you know, child of the kindly West. Some courage and some wisdom, blended in measure. If more of us valued food and cheer and song above hoarded gold, it would be a merrier world. But sad or merry, I must leave it now. Farewell!
J.R.R. Tolkien
Source: The Hobbit - Chapter 18 - The Return Journey
Quoted: Thorin

To have the heart of a lion.
To be courageous.

To me, there is no greater act of courage than being the one who kisses first.
Janeane Garofalo

What is more mortifying than to feel that you have missed the plum for want of courage to shake the tree?
Logan Pearsall Smith

What would life be if we had no courage to attempt anything?
Vincent van Gogh

Wisdom, compassion, and courage are the three universally recognized moral qualities of men.

You will never do anything in this world without courage. It is the greatest quality of the mind next to honor.

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