Proverbs and Quotes
“Proverbs and quotes add spice to language.”A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
accidents adventure advice age agriculture air Albert Einstein alcoholism amphibians analogies anger animals answers ants appearances apples april art arthropods atheism august authorities autumn awake axes
bad baloney beautiful beauty beer bees begin being strong bible bicycles birds birth birthday bitter black blind blood blue body books boredom boys brain bread breath brothers brown bureaucracy butterflies
caterpillars cats cereals change character chickens children chocolate choices christmas civil servants civilization climate climate change clock clouds coffee cold colors communication computers confidence conscience cooking countries courage cows creativity crows crying culture cycling
dancing danger daughters day deaf death december decisions democracy desire devil different difficult disease diversity doctors dogs doubt dragons dreams drinking drugs drunkenness
ears earth eating economy education eggs Einstein elephants emancipation emotions empty end energy England enjoy enlightenment environment envy equality eternity evening evil evolution experience eyes
face Facebook failing failure fairy tales faith fall family fantasy farewell farmers farming fast fathers favorites fear february feelings feet feminism fingers fire fireworks first fish flies flowers flying food fools forest forever forgetting forgiving freedom friends friendship fruits future
Game of Thrones games gardeners gardens girls global warming goals god godlessness gold good goodbye government grass greed green grey grief growing
hair half hands happiness Harry Potter hate head health hearing heart heaven helping herbs hiking history holiday home honey hope horses hours house humanism humankind humor
ice ideas ignorance imagination immature impossible in love infinity insects intelligence internet
Jane Austen january joy july june
killing kings kisses knowledge
language laughing laws laziness leap year learning leaves lies life light lions lips listening loneliness looking Lord of the Rings losing losing weight love luck
magic mammals mankind maps march marriage mathematics mature may medicine memories memory men mice mind minutes mirror mistakes modern art money monkeys moon morning mothers moths mountains mouth movies mushrooms music
names nations nature Netherlands never new year news night nonsense nose nothing november numbers
ocean october old opinions optimism orange
pain past patience peace people pessimism philosophy physicians pigs pink planets playing pleasure poems poetry poison politics pollution possessions postpone poverty power prejudices problems progress promise properties proverbs purple purpose
questions questions collection quotes
rain reading reason red religion remain silent reptiles resting retirement rice richness right rights risk rivers roads roses rubbish
safe salt satellites satisfaction science sea seasons secrets seeing self-knowledge selfishness september sex shadow shame sharing sheep Sherlock Holmes ships shoes silence silver singing sisters sleep slow smelling smiling smoke smoking snakes snow soccer social media society soft solitude sons soul sound sour spices spiders spirit sports spring stars states statistics Stephen Hawking stones strength stupidity success suffering sugar summer sun sweet
talent talking taste tea teamwork television The Hobbit The Lord of the Rings The Rolling Stones things thinking thoughts thousand time today together tomorrow too late too much travel trees trust truth TV
walking wall war warm wasps water weakness weapons weather weather forecast wheat white why wind wine winning winter wisdom wishes wolves women words work world worms writing wrong
Welcome to QuoteProverbs. A collection of funny, serious, clever and stupid proverbs, quotes and sayings, as well as maxims, adages, aphorisms, bywords, poems, etc. The difference is not always clear.
Quotes and proverbs are organized by topic. Favorite topics are: insects, fruits, trees, stupidity and art.
Good to know: You can pick a topic from a list or you can search with your own keywords.
Using a topic from the list will show you a selection of proverbs and quotes that relate to that topic.
Using the search box will let you find your own keyword(s) in the entire database. The search will also look in the author names, so if you search with ‘strong’ you will find proverbs or quotes that contain the word ‘strong’, but also quotes by ‘Louis Armstrong’.
There are three types of search: AND, OR, and AS A PHRASE. If you search with only one keyword, the type of search does not matter. If you search with two or more keywords and select AND, you will find only results that contain all these keywords. If you search with type OR, you will find results that contain at least one of the keywords. With AS A PHRASE, you search for an exact match of the text you typed.
A random proverb or quote
Nice frame!Mr. Bean
Source: Bean (movie 1997)
See also quotes from a selection of Authors.
For a Dutch collection of proverbs and quotes, see: “Spreekwoorden en Citaten“.
If you like games, try Requote, an online games with proverbs, sayings and quotes.