A collection of proverbs and quotes in which at least one mammal is mentioned.

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"Oh, you will see plenty of Africa," Kentice assures me when we convene at the bar for a round of medicinal hydration. "We're going to show you lots of exotic things. Have you ever eaten camel?"Bill Bryson
Source: Bill Bryson's African Diary
A big black bug bit a black dog on his big black nose.(unknown author)
Tongue twister
A cornered cat becomes as fierce as a lion.
A cough will stick longer by a horse than a peck of oats.
A cow that has no tail should not try to chase away flies.
A dog in a kennel barks at his fleas; a hunting dog does not feel them.
A dog's fleas are its jewels.
A drug is a substance which, if injected into a rabbit, produces a paper.Otto Loewi
A drunkard can be a sheep, a monkey or a lion.
A flea can trouble a lion more than the lion can harm a flea.
A flea-bitten horse never tires.
A fly can drive away horses.
A fly may conquer a lion.
A fly, Sir, may sting a stately horse and make him wince; but one is but an insect, and the other is a horse still.Samuel Johnson
A horse that will not carry a saddle must have no oats.
A leopard cannot change its spots.A person can’t change his/her character. A bad or unpleasant person can never become good or pleasant.
A monkey in silk is a monkey no less.No matter how someone dresses, it's still the same person.
A pig used to dirt turns its nose up at rice.
A professor must have a theory as a dog must have fleas.H.L. Mencken
A rat in a maze is free to go anywhere, as long as it stays inside the maze.Margaret Atwood
A reasonable amount of fleas is good for a dog. They keep him from broodin' on being a dog.
A strawberry doesn't ripen according to the wishes of a monkey.
All cats are grey in the dark.
An ant can do more than an ox that is lying down.
An ant on the move does more than a dozing ox.
An ass does not know the importance of saffron.A stupid person does not know the importance of quality.
An elephant does not feel a flea bite.
An elephant may be big, but it falls on its face more often than an ant.
Appearance can be deceiving. A wolf can disguise himself as a sheep.
As different as an elephant and a mosquito.
As stupid as a pig's behind.
Asses carry the oats and horses eat them.
Be thine enemy an ant, see in him an elephant.
Behold, you are fair, my love; behold, you are fair; you have doves' eyes within your locks: your hair is as a flock of goats, that appear from mount Gilead.Bible
Source: Song of Solomon
Better a handful of dry dates and content therewith than to own the Gate of Peacocks and be kicked in the eye by a broody camel.
Better an ant's head than a lion's tail.
Better be the head of a dog than the tail of a lion.It is better to be leader of a small group than a follower in a bigger group.
Better lose the saddle than the horse.
Better to be an ant's head than a lion's tail.
Better to drink the milk than to eat the cow.Take care that you don't lose your income.
Black cows give white milk.
Crime leaves a trail like a water beetle; like a snail, it leaves its silver track; like a horse-mango, it leaves its smell.
Death is the black camel that kneels before every door.
Democracy must be something more than two wolves and a sheep voting on what to have for dinner.James Bovard
Do not compare a fly with an elephant.
Do not make an elephant out of a fly.
Dogs don't like bananas, but can't bear to think chickens eat them.
Dogs don't make mistakes.Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
Source: The Case-Book of Sherlock Holmes
Quoted: Sherlock Holmes
Dogs have fleas in order to keep them from thinking about being dogs.
Dogs of the same street bark alike.People from the same background behave in a similar way.
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