This page is a collection of proverbs and quotes about failing and failures.

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A friend knows the song in my heart and sings it to me when my memory fails.Donna Roberts
A person of intellect without energy added to it, is a failure.Nicolas Chamfort
An artist cannot fail; it is a success to be one.Charles Cooley
Cooking is one failure after another, and that's how you finally learn.Julia Child
Every failure made me more confident. Because I wanted even more to achieve as revenge. To show that I could.Roman Polanski
Failure is unimportant. It takes courage to make a fool of yourself.Charlie Chaplin
Failure teaches success.You learn from your mistakes.
For millions of years, mankind lived just like the animals. Then something happened which unleashed the power of our imagination. We learned to talk and we learned to listen. Speech has allowed the communication of ideas, enabling human beings to work together to build the impossible. Mankind's greatest achievements have come about by talking, and its greatest failures by not talking. It doesn't have to be like this. Our greatest hopes could become reality in the future. With the technology at our disposal, the possibilities are unbounded. All we need to do is make sure we keep talking.Stephen Hawking
I regard the brain as a computer which will stop working when its components fail. There is no heaven or afterlife for broken-down computers; that is a fairy story for people afraid of the dark.Stephen Hawking
If your life is free of failures, you’re not taking enough risks.(unknown author)
It is not enough to succeed. Others must fail.Gore Vidal
Lift up your eyes to the heavens, look at the earth beneath; the heavens will vanish like smoke, the earth will wear out like a garment and its inhabitants die like flies. But my salvation will last forever, my righteousness will never fail.Bible
Source: Isaiah 51:6
Most of us spend the first six days of each week sowing wild oats; then we go to church on Sunday and pray for a crop failure.Fred Allen
One of the reasons mature people stop learning is that they become less and less willing to risk failure.John W. Gardner
Success is walking from failure to failure with no loss of enthusiasm.Winston Churchill
The beauty of reason is that it can always be applied to understand failures of reason.Steven Pinker
Source: Enlightenment Now: The Case for Reason, Science, Humanism, and Progress
The human failing I would most like to correct is aggression. It may have had survival advantage in caveman days, to get more food, territory or partner with whom to reproduce, but now it threatens to destroy us all.Stephen Hawking
The pursuit of happiness is a recipe for an unhappy life.(unknown author)
United we stand divided we fall.
Until you try, you don't know what you can't do.Henry James
You fail only if you stop writing.Ray Bradbury