If you love fish, enjoy this collection of proverbs and quotes about fish and fishing.

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A child without a mother is like a fish in shallow water.
A fish may love a bird, but where would they live?Drew Barrymore
A place where the beer flows like wine, where beautiful women instinctively flock like the salmon of Capistrano. A little place called Aspen.(unknown author)
Source: Movie: Dumb and Dumber
A pond full of fish is better than a river full of stones.Matshona Dhliwayo
A river is honored for its fish, not its size.Matshona Dhliwayo
A woman without a man is like a fish without a bicycle.Irina Dunn
At high tide fish eat ants; at low tide ants eat fish.
Big fish eat little fish.
Different fields, different grasshoppers; different seas, different fish.
Don't bargain for fish which are still in the water.
Don't give a child a fish but show him how to fish.Mao Zedong
Don’t sell the fish that is still swimming in the ocean.
Fish, to taste right, must swim three times: in water, in butter and in wine.
Fishing is boring, unless you catch an actual fish, and then it is disgusting.Dave Barry
Give a man a fish, and you'll feed him for a day; give him a religion, and he'll starve to death while praying for a fish.(unknown author)
He who digs too deep for a fish, may come out with a snake.
He who has been bitten by a snake is afraid of an eel.
In a shared fish, there are no bones.Democritus
In the morning be first up, and in the evening last to go to bed, for they that sleep catch no fish.
It is better to be a big fish in a small pond than a small fish in a mighty ocean.
Like a fish out of water.Not feeling at home where you are.
Listen to the sound of the river and you will get a trout.
Looking for fish? Don't climb a tree.
Marriage is a sack full of ninety-nine snakes and one eel.
Never offer to teach a fish to swim.
The big fish eat the little fish, the little fish eat the water-insects, and the water-insects eat the weeds and mud.
The bigger the river the bigger the fish.
The biggest fish he ever caught were those that got away.Eugene Field
The cat loves fish, but she's loth to wet her feet.
The consensus view is now that fish do feel pain.Frans de Waal
Source: Mama's Last Hug
The ugly vulture eats the dead
Guiltless of murder's taint.
The heron swallows living fish
And looks like an ascetic saint.
There are people that fish and those who just disturb the water.
There are plenty of fish in the sea.
To fish behind the net.
We think of computers as smart and powerful machines. But your goldfish is smarter.Jason Fried
When the water rises the fish eat the ants, when the water falls the ants eat the fish.
Who hears the fishes when they cry?Henry David Thoreau
You can worship a sardine's head if you believe in it.